
Research Projects


Prof Galassi was coinvestigators of the following research projects at the Division of Cardiology, Department of Internal Medicine and Systemic Disease of the University of Catania.
1996-1997. Subinvestigator in the randomized, double blind, multicentric project, INTIME. (Intravenous nPA for Treatment of Infarcting Myocardium Early). The objective of the study was to assess the safety and efficacy of the IV injection of nPA to reperfuse an acute myocardial infarction. The work has been published on Circulation 1998; 98: 2117-25. List of investigators are reported from page 2122 to page 2124.
1999-2003. Coinvestigator in the multicentric project ACTOR (The Aggressive versus Conservative Treatment Of infarct Related artery after acute myocardial infarction)-OAT (Occluded Artery Trial). A Study proposed by the Italian Society of Invasive Cardiology and from ANMCO which drained in the multicentric american study OAT. The objective of the study was to assess if the reopening of the necrotic vessel within 1 month from infarction and without symptoms, might provide a reduction of cardiovascular events at a 3 years follow-up. Achievement of the title of “Eccellent Result” on the 30 September 2005. The design and methodology of the study have been pubblished on the American Heart Journal 2005; 150: 62-42, (prof Galassi is among investigators pag 635) while the final study has been pubblished on the NEJM 2006, 235, N23 in its appendix prof Galassi as investigator of the study is named on page 6).
2000-2001. Coinvestigator in the multicentric project TRENDS (Tetra Randomised European Direct Stenting Study) (Randomised evaluation of the ACS multilink TETRA coronary stent system in the treatment of patients with de novo and restenotic native coronary artery lesions using a pre-dilatation versus no predilatation implantation strategy). The objective of the study was tro assess the efficacy of te TETRA stent using a predilatation and non-predilatation strategy during PTCA procedure. The work has been published on the American Journal of Cardiology 2006; 98: 316-21.
2001. Coinvestigator in the Euro Yeart Survey on Coronary Revascularization and Chronic Angina. The objective of the study was to execute a survey among all european countries about the revascularization modalities for patients with ischemic heart disease in order to improve the quality of life and decrease cardiovascular diseases. The work has been published on the European Heart Journal 2005; 26: 1169-79. Prof Galassi is among  investigators at pag 1177.
2001-2002. Coinvestigator in the multicentric project SAFE (Sorin and Aspirin Following Elective stenting). The objective of the study was to assess the efficacy of two different antithrombotic regimens (only aspirin or aspirin + ticlopidine or clopidogrel) in regards to thrombosis and vascular complications during PTCA with a new type of carbon stent (carbostent). The work has been published on the American Journal of Cardiology 2007; 99: 1062-66. Prof Galassi is among principal authors and investigators as reported at page 1066.
2001-2003. Coinvestigator with a three years contract for the research project assigned by the European Union for the V Programma Quadro which title is “Enhanced Personal, Intelligent and Mobile System for Early Detection and Interpretation of Cardiological Syndromes - EPIMEDICS”. The work has been published on the Journal of Electrocardiology, 38; 2005: 100-106. Prof Galassi is among principal authors of the study and as representative of the University of Catania, as per contract for occasional work signed on the 2 of January 2001.
2002. Coinvestigator in the Euro Yeart Survey on Angina Pectoris. The objective of the study was to execute a survey among all european countries regarding the admission modalities for patients with angina pectoris in order to provide improvement in qualità of life and decrease the impact of cardiovascular diseases. The work has been published on the European Heart Journal 2005; 26: 996-1010. Prof Galassi is among  investigators at pag 1008.
2003. Coinvestigator in the REALITY trial. This was a prospective randomized multicenter comparison of the Cypher Sirolimus-eluting  and the Taxus Paclitaxel-eluting stent systems. The objective of the trial is to compare the efficacy of two different types of eluting stents in patients with coronary artery diseease who underwent revascularization procedures. The work has been published on JAMA 2006, 295 (8): 895-904.
2003. Coinvestigator in the IDEA (The Italian Drug Evaluation in Angioplasty). This is a registry which has evaluatedthe pharmacological therapyduring procedures of coronary revascularization, in 79 centres evenly distributed on the national territory. On behalf of the IDEA Survey investigators and the Italian Society of Invasive Cardiology – GISE. The work has been published on the Italian Heart Journal 2005; 6 (2): 106-118. Prof Galassi is among principal authors and investigators as reported at page 116.
2003-2007. Principal Investigator in the FINESSE trial (Facilitated Intervention with Enhanced reperfusion Speed to Stop Events). This is a multicenter randomized double blind placebo controlled trial for patients presenting with ST segment elevation myocardial infarction. The objective of the trial is to demonstrate that rapid administration of aspirin abciximab, reteplase, and heparin followed by early catheterization and intervention, when not controindicated, is superior to the administration of aspirin and heparin followed by diagnostic angiography and primary intervention with abciximab after angiography when not controindicated. The work has been published on Journal of  the American College of Cardiology Intv 2010; 3: 1284-91. Prof Galassi is among principal authors and investigators as reported in the statement of investigator.
2008-2011 Principal Investigator of the IRCTO (Italian Registry on Chronic Total Occlusion). This is a observational Registry executed among 61 italians centers whose objective was that of assessing prospectively the prevalence, therapeutic choices, and short and mid-term prognosis (up to 3 years) of patients with angiographic evidence of a chronic total occlusion in a major coronary artery. The work has been published on the European Heart Journal. Tomasello SD, Boukhris M, Giubilato S, Marzà F, Garbo R, Contegiacomo G, Marzocchi A, Niccoli G, Gagnor A, Varbella F, Desideri A, Rubartelli P, Cioppa A, Baralis G, Galassi AR. Management strategies in patients affected by chronic total occlusions: results from the Italian Registry of Chronic Total Occlusions. Eur Heart J 2015; 36: 3189-3198 (IF 15.203).
2008-2011 Study Coordinator of the ERCTO (European Registry on Chronic Total Occlusion). This is a observational web based registry executed among 23 european operators whose objective was that of assessing retrospectively patients with angiographic evidence of a chronic total occlusion in a major coronary artery, who underwent revascularization by coronary angioplasty and retrograde approach: percentage of revascularization success, techniques of choice, and short and mid-term prognosis (up to 3 years) are going to be evaluated in this registry. The work has been published on the Journal of  the American College of Cardiology 2015; 65 (22): 2388-400 (IF 15.32) and signed by prof Galassi as senior author.
2011-2014 Principal Investigator in the Board of Steering Committee of the EURO CTO Trial (A Randomized Multicentre Trial to Evaluate the Utilization of Revascularization or Optimal Medical Therapy for the Treatment of Chronic Total Coronary Occlusions). This is a randomized study, executed by expert CTO operators around Europe, members of the EURO CTO club, who assess the efficacy and safety of percutaneous revascularization for chronic total coronary occlusions (CTO) in comparison to medical therapy in patients with coronary artery disease and stable angina pectoris. The results of the study have been presented as Late Breaking Trials at the European Congress of Cardiology 2017.